
Light filters through leaves holding on for dear lifeAs summer’s diminuendo gives way toEvening arriving earlier and theDay’s warmth is exchanged for night’s cool.The once light green young hues have Deepened with age and thenBursts of colors begin to appear. The colors of change and […]


I haven’t written in a long time. I haven’t felt like I’ve had anything to say. Winter can feel like that. But now it’s spring, and things are green, and there’s new life and hope and birds singing. And hummingbirds at the feeder. I have […]


Do you ever have crazy dreams at night? Last night was full of vivid dreams for me. Wild, unsettling, and uncomfortable. Although things didn’t flow in a logical way or make sense, as dreams often don’t, there was an underlying theme of angst and end-times, […]


I recently finished reading the Old Testament. There are many wonderful things, and there are also many tough things. I thought, “I really need me some Jesus!” After ‘randomly’ flipping around the New Testament, I settled in on Hebrews 1:1-4, but especially on verse 3. […]