Word Nerd

Words. Words have power and layers. Words can be interpreted in many ways. I love looking at definitions and original language. I learn as I ponder the meanings behind words. I hope I can share my love for words and definitions in this blog, and that something will grab your inner curiosity as you look at words with me. When I grow up I want to learn more about Greek and Hebrew, but until then I just look up one word at a time.

For example, in Hebrews 10:35 we read, “So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!”

παρρησία is the Greek word for “confident trust,” and the definitions include the following:

*free and fearless confidence
*cheerful courage

Cheerful courage. This one hits me. Sometimes confidence and courage seem elusive. But when we truly trust in the Lord, we can have cheerful courage. I love this so much!


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