
Jeremiah 18:4 (about the potter) “…and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.” ESV

This verse grabbed my attention this morning. Reworked.
THIS is what is happening to me this summer! I am being reworked.

I needed to explore this further, so I looked up the Hebrew, which adds SUCH a wonderful dimension…

עָשָׂה (‘asah)
*do, make, fashion, produce
*prepare, appoint, ordain, institute, bring about

 שׁוּב (shuwb)
*return, bring back
*restore, refresh, repair
*reverse (redirect)

Ooooooo!!! I love this! I need this.

This summer has been a strange season of emerging from COVID, soul searching, redirecting, and unknowns. In the spring I lost my job and have been job hunting all summer. It seems SO strange to me that although so many places say they are hiring, I have experienced a whole lot of rejections. It seems that only one door keeps opening, so I keep stepping forward. It is not a job I would have envisioned for myself before this began. It is surprising to me, and such a complete change of direction that I’m just not sure what to think.


I asked God to make it clear. To lead and show me the way. So closed doors are just as good as open doors, because … well… they are pretty clear.

So as I follow the one open door, I see His hand in the process, and keep stepping forward.

Maybe that is why this verse seems to shout at me – to explain what has been happening. To put into words what I have been feeling.

I am being reworked.

Where are you?
Do you feel reworked?
Are things topsy-turvy?
Are you okay with it?
Or is it really tough?

In the process, it hurts and is scary and crazy. Sometimes exciting, sometimes overwhelming.

I guess that the scary part comes when I forget WHO is doing the reworking, and when I take my eyes off the Potter – the ONE WHO KNOWS what is ahead. My human mind keeps bumping up against the here and now, and the questions and fears. Sometimes it takes a conscious decision to look to the Potter, and is a choice of sheer determination.

Looking back at the Hebrew for “reworked” and thinking about other ways it could be translated, here are some possibilities:
*preparing for change
*producing a returning
*appointing a new purpose
*bringing newness in outlook
*****bringing about restoration, repair, refreshing*****

Um… yes, please!!

The other word that we cannot ignore in this verse is “vessel.”

כְּלִי (keliy)
*vessel, article, utensil, implement
*tool, equipment, receptacle

Every vessel has a purpose.

I don’t know about you, but I’m guessing all of us really desire to have a greater purpose; something big that influences and helps and makes a significant impact on others.

Sometimes it takes being reworked to be freed to journey towards that purpose. Maybe our reworking is God’s blessing of bringing about repair and refreshing and restoration in our lives. To break us out of our rut. Because, after all, He is the One who made us and knows our very core soul. He knows our quirks and desires and strengths (even the ones we don’t recognize yet). He knows our future interactions and relationships and conversations. He is already there, holding our hand, bringing us along.

Restoring, refreshing, and repairing.


Thank you, God. Thank you that I am never alone in this process. You promise to always be with me. Thank you that you have what’s best in mind, always caring, leading, loving. Thank you that even when things are overwhelming and uncertain and I cannot see the next step, You graciously guide my foot and show me where to place it. Thank you that reworking brings about restoration and repair. Thank you that You hold my hand. Help me not to miss what You have planned. Bring about Your purpose in my life. I trust You, the Potter of masterpieces, and lean into you, knowing that You have good plans for me. Increase my trust, open my eyes, and give me strength to follow.
Thank you, Amen.