
I haven’t written in a long time. I haven’t felt like I’ve had anything to say. Winter can feel like that. But now it’s spring, and things are green, and there’s new life and hope and birds singing. And hummingbirds at the feeder. I have always loved hummingbirds. They are pretty amazing to watch – so tiny and quick and beautiful. But… oh my, they can be mean.

The other morning, I was enjoying peace on my back porch, which is my mostest happiest place. One tiny hummingbird was sitting below the feeder on the back of a chair on the deck, just guarding the feeder. His little head twitched back and forth looking for signs of any other hummingbirds who might dare to come to the feeder. As soon as one would try, he would chase them away, and then return to his chair. I was mesmerized as I watched this happen over and over again. I thought to myself, “Doesn’t he know that there is plenty to go around? I will happily refill the feeder.”

Lightbulb moment.

God gently said to me, “Don’t you see??”
“I supply all you need and more. Don’t you know that I will happily refill you? I will gladly take care of all your needs. Why do you fret so?”

I had been sitting with Psalm 66 that morning.

66:5 “Come and see what God has done: He is awesome in His deeds toward the children of man.”

See (רָאָה) (rā’â)
See, look at, perceive, inspect, consider, learn about, observe, watch, find out,
GIVE ATTENTION TO, discern, gaze at, (look at ie. each other’s face).

This is an action word. Looking intently, paying attention.

So when God said to me, “Don’t you see??” It stopped me in my mental tracks.

I’m like the worried hummingbird, afraid I will not have enough… (time, money, energy… fill in the blank). Instead of feeling stressed, I could be SEEING – looking intently at my Provider God. Instead of wallowing and focusing on what zaps my energies, I could be being renewed by keeping my eyes on the One Who Is More Than Enough.

Come and SEE what God has done…
Vs. 12 …yet You have brought us out to a place of abundance.
Vs. 19 But truly God has listened; He has attended to the voice of my prayer.

He is here. He hears me. He hears you. He is enough.

Come and see.

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